Ever had a Question Why all Colonies got Independence after the World War 2 ???
Have you ever thought why all the colonized country got their independence after the World War II and many leader rose after the world war incident like India, Pakistan, South Africa, Malasiya, Israel... Let's Take this as my Opinion/Research on Colonized Independance from British
Post World War in Europe, the whole Europe was facing desruction physically and economically.
The Huge attacks of German Nazi's caused English and French suffer a lot of infrastructural losses. British were not even in
condition to even with stand themselves.
The British were not in even condition to control it's colony and there is always a movement of unfavour uprising in the Colonies.
Even British got a loan from USA to repay which they took to reapir their infrastructural damage and the aid during the war.
As after WW2 the World saw two great powers known as
United States of America the Nuclear Weapon Holder and the Massive Soviet Union with high amount of Power and land
Both have different Idealogy one Socialist and Communist Soviet and other Democratic and Capitalist USA, both got in the conflict to supress each other idealogy by showing their diplomatic relation with other and showcasing their respective powers who is more Advanced.
In this Case many Country face issue of choosing one, here British Choose USA over Soviet and USA recently uplifted the racism of Africans in their country and wanted all other countries to follow the same.
This Side choosing put a high pressure on the Englishmens on The Colonies.
Does this Mean Freedom Fighter has no significance in nation's Independance
As Mentioned in Above sections the movements going on in the nations played a significant role as this made british realise this nations no more can be controlled rhis presented the whole of their unity.
Independance is not the only thing for the nation, the main thing is running the nation and it's government after it and taking the coutry in the right developing way as
the British left the coutry in a very bad condition of dividing and completed looted
to recover it is the main task for the nations and India with the help of Great Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi teaching lot of values of Non Voilence, B.R. Ambedkar teaching equality and many more
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